Friday, August 2, 2013

Conflict: The True Story

This week I have been reading a lot on the subject of conflict.

God has purposefully dropped some huge lessons in my lap this week that I came upon without even Googling them, haha. They came at a very needed time. After the impact they have had on my perspective and spirit this week, how could I not share?

If you've read any of my other blogs, I have been admittedly in one of the hardest seasons of my life. And this subject of "conflict" is a theme in my life, especially the last few months. I have been extremely worn down, brokenhearted, weary, depressed—you name it—because of a couple different "conflicts" in my life. I'm one of those people that over-analyzes everything, thinks way too much, and well, I work in an office, so I have a lot of time to "dwell" and think about things [especially when they're going wrong].

Despite these things I struggle with, I know God has made me who I am. He knew I was gonna be an over-analyzer. He knew I was gonna be a very sensitive person. He knew I was gonna think a lot, care a lot, try to "fix" things a lot. Crazy enough, He actually uses some of these characteristics for His GLORY—despite the times I get in the way and take things to a level I shouldn't. Funny how He works like that.

I read a blog everyday by one of my favorite writers/authors, Donald Miller. He's awesome. Check him out. I was reading a free chapter online from his book "Storyline: Finding Your Subplot in God's Story", and guess what the subject of the only free chapter was about?! Yep: conflict!

He talks about conflict [trials, tribulations, suffering, struggles, controversy, quarrels] and quotes:
"Suffering ceases to be suffering when we understand it from a redemptive perspective." -Viktor Frankl 
A "redemptive perspective"—Yes. Exactly. God has been showing me this a lot lately. That's the mindset we need. Because whatever kind of "conflict" you're going through: you've lost a loved one, you've broken up with a gf/bf, you and your best friend are fighting, you've been raped, used, abused, mistreated, gossiped about, the list could go on and on—those "sufferings" don't have to define you. Change your perspective on your situation and God will redeem that situation and turn it all around. For GOOD.

Donald loves to use analogies like you're life is a story, or a movie. I love it. He says in any good story there has to be conflict. And while conflict can be difficult, painful, awful: most conflict will make us better in the end. For the whole, amazing chapter if you want to read it: click here. If not, here's the Cliffs Notes version ;)

Conflict is the only way a person changes: You cant change if you are content—being put under pressure is what will change you—We feel joy when we've conquered our conflict.

Conflict lends value to that which we attain: The pain of the journey makes us appreciate the beauty of the reward at the end—You wont value anything you didn't have to fight for!

Some conflict is intended by God: Donald talked about how Adam longed for something, but instead of giving him Eve right away, God made him name the animals—which he pointed out could have taken Adam anywhere from 10-100 yrs! Never thought about how long he "waited" for the "longings of his heart" (Eve, in this case). Conflict can build our character and have us appreciate His provision.

God can redeem ALL conflict: He wants us to display courage and hope in the midst of challenges. He'll use ALL things for good—We just have to give it up to Him, and let Him do what He does!

God call us into conflict:  He calls us into a life of meaning, not "comfort"... Jesus asks us to take up our cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23) —that's conflict. He actually told us there would be trials and tribulations (John 16:33). He never promised it would be easy—just worth it.

Conflict is resistance: The Bible talks about "fighting the good fight" and "running the race set before us".... Steven Pressfield says:
"When something beautiful is trying to come into the world it will face an equal and opposite resistance."  
So, if you consider yourself one of His—then you better believe what you have to offer this world is beautiful. So be assured: you're gonna face conflict, resistance, hurdles, trials, confusion—all of it—trying to bring your gift into this world and keep it there. But it's so worth it.

Living great stories means entering into a world of risk and fearDid you know that it says "Do not fear" in the Bible, over 200 times??—we weren't designed to play it safe—we were designed for adventure! Your life was made for adventure. And so was mine.

Moral of the story: Conflict: Face it, redeem it, conquer it, & allow it to mold your character.

James said it best:
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." -James 1:2-4
God is with you, through whatever conflict you may be going through right now. He's there. Call on His name. He's the only source of hope and peace that wont disappoint during hard times. I have to remind myself of this truth daily—but it will get better. It's true for me, and true for you too.

As my college ministry pastor Mario always said:
"God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good." :)

Song of the Day:
Misty Edwards- Turn it all around

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