Friday, August 9, 2013

Shove it, Lucy.

I've been reading a lot in my devotionals on "battles" and "vision" and that Jordin Sparks song "Battlefield" popped into my head today... yall remember it, right? If not:

I never meant to start a war
You know I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know what we're fighting for

Why does love always feel like ...
a battlefield (battlefield)
a battlefield (battlefield)
a battlefield (battlefield)

Haha, I loved that song.

But I've been going through a different kind of battle lately. A battle between Good and Evil...Purpose and Hopelessness...Passion and Apathy.

Ask any of my close friends: you talk to me lately, and it's almost like my "light" is likes to appear once in awhile—i'll crack some jokes, laugh here and there—but, for the most part, my joy has been quenched. My passion and purpose have been dulled. I'm struggling for peace.

A lot of these emotions are situation-based...but they've been going on for months now, and it's getting old, you know? But I'm constantly reminding myself: "This too shall pass". I try and remind myself that I DO have a purpose... God DOES have a plan... even when I cant see it.

But it's a battle nonetheless.

In one of my devotions the other day, Richard Stearns, of World Vision, wrote:

"Act—As you look through the lens of God’s kingdom rescue mission and in the context of your own gifts and abilities, what is it that needs doing that you can do? It is time to act. Earl Palmer observed, “God can’t steer a parked car.” Commit to serving him without conditions and move in the direction of your gifts and your passions, trusting that God will steer and lead."

We cant let circumstances, trials, struggles, etc affect our pursuit of Love and Joy. His love is unconditional, so I cant let my circumstances put "conditions" on my passion and love for Him either.

Proverbs 29:18 says:

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
I'm currently reading "Keep Your Love On" by Danny Silk, and in it he says:
"One of the reasons people perish without a vision is that they cannot endure the pain and cost required to achieve any worthwhile purpose... Only vision can give a purpose to your pain, which enables you to endure it and reach your goal."
Vision. We all need it. No matter how big or small.

Even if your vision is just to make it through today—that's vision. Even if your vision is just to be kind and show love to your annoying co-worker—that's vision. Even if your vision is to be the best mom possible—that's vision.

Vision comes in all shapes and sizes. But I feel like God is calling me into a bigger vision. I have some ideas on what it could look like, but I'm in the beginning stages of seeing it out.

In "Keep Your Love On" Danny also says:

"Against every effort on our part to get our lives together and recover from damage, hurt, and ruin, we will experience opposition from the enemy... Almost invariably his first attempt to halt such recovery is to discourage us through ridicule, derision, or rejection."
Where there is Good, there is most assuredly Evil. The enemy is real. He's alive and well and flourishes daily in many lives. He has a foothold in many Christians lives too.

Jesus says:

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." -John 10:10

We're not in this battle alone though. Jesus said He came to give us LIFE. And not just a regular, ordinary life—but an ABUNDANT life.

The enemy is a liar, a deceiver, and a con-artist. He'll make something look so tantalizing, so intriguing, so believable, so real—he can keep us bound up in deception for months, even years. Tell him where he can take his discouragement, ridicule and rejection—back to hell, that's where—Let Jesus fight your battles.

I dunno about you, but I'm gonna let Jesus take this one. 

I say "Shove it, Lucy! (<- as Mel Tari calls Lucifer, haha, I loved it when he said it.)

He's full of you-know-what, and I'm not gonna let him keep me in my "damage, hurt and ruin."

And I pray the same for you. I pray that whoever is reading this right now will stop believing the lies he's trying to tell you. He might be telling you you're worthless, unvaluable, unlovable, unpopular, ugly, stupid, hopeless, a failure—whatever it may be—dont believe it. 

You might have to make it a daily practice of telling yourself these truths over and over...but once you start practicing it—it becomes a habit :)

Immerse yourself in His Word. You'll find truths that will wash over those lies.

You ARE worthy. You ARE valuable. You ARE loved. You ARE NOT hopeless.

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." -1 Peter 2:9-10

Song of the Day:
Will Reagan- Take Back (one of my faves lately)

1 comment:

  1. This is really Good there Ker-Bear! I have found that when I am really struggling with purpose or apathy, there is one of 2 problems in my world.
    1) I am just really really tired and I have not been Honoring the Lord with the sabbath. Meaning that I am not taking the time to be healthy for me. Resting and Sleeping as I should, but rather just pushing through trying to force things to go. then I burn out and want to run away change careers,locations there's that
    2) I am not looking to others. There is a fine line between selfless and selfish. It is easy to cross. Sometimes when I am doing things for others it turns out the motivation was for me to achieve something, rather than pure service. When I get there I start to feel like I need new vision, or start feeling lots of rejection. So I love your article, and I really enjoy reading your stuff! Just wanted to comment back with you! Have a blessed Day!
