Monday, June 3, 2013

Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue

I'm a lil nervous of being too "vulnerable", but if my experiences, struggles, etc can bring any kind of hope or help to someone out there, then it's worth it :)

So, here I am today. Brokenhearted. Weary. Burdened. Depressed. You name it- I feel itI've been struggling with these feelings the past few months, but overwhelmingly the past few weeks.

What is brokenhearted? To be "burdened or overwhelmed with great sorrow, grief, or disappointment; heartsick."  Yep, that's me. The "what" I'm going through right now doesn't matter as much as the "how" will I overcome this part.

Yesterday's sermon at church really spoke to my heart. We had a special guest: J. Lee Grady- love him. There was so much in the message to take, but the overall theme: Overcome & Persevere.

He referred to John 16:33: 
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus clearly tells us "you WILL have trouble" in this world. Life wasn't promised to be easy for us. As Christians, sometimes our faith becomes so rattled and shaken when we face rough times. We must not be reading our Bibles I guess...cuz it's showered with godly men & women who go through trial after trial, hardship after hardship, etc (i.e. Job, Esther, Daniel, the disciples...the list goes on and on). 

They were put through unimaginable trials and tribulations. Yet, they persevered. I'm sure they had their moments...I'm sure they got angry, bitter, depressed, stressed, etc...but they chose to "overcome" their circumstances--and hold onto God's promises for their lives. And look at what God did with all of them!

J. Lee Grady made this really cool point about a Bamboo tree. This is the short-not-as-informed-on-bamboo-trees version ;) I did Wikipedia bamboo trees, and its not the same across the board for all bamboo tree species, but what J. Lee Grady said still rings true: 

Bamboo trees take years to actually start growing after being planted. He said about 6 yrs. Then, in the 7th year, all of a sudden, they can grow over 3 feet in 24 hours! Then, in the following 3 to 4 months, they'll grow to their full height! (FYI: the average bamboo tree can get anywhere from 15–40 feet high)

So, after not growing an inch for YEARS, all of a sudden, they spring forth and come to fullness in 3 to 4 months! That's amazing...but what was even cooler, was the correlation he made between that and Christians going through hard times.

It's just like that sometimes: Weeks, months, sometimes YEARS of waiting,...wondering when this "season" will end...when will this trial or tribulation be over...when will I see "growth" and "change"...and this lil bamboo tree reminds us that it may take awhile...but it WILL happen. It can often be like a big BAM: it's here! Other times its a gradual process...but its a process, nonetheless. And If you're going through that process right now, I feel you. I'm right there with you.

But if you lean on God, you can overcome.

I just heard this song "Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue", by Jason Gray, for the first time last week...great songwriter. There's a part 1 & 2 of the song. In part 2 he sings:

The winter can make us wonder if spring was ever true
But every winter breaks upon the Easter lily's bloom
Could it be everything sad is coming untrue?
Could you believe everything sad is coming untrue?

Broken hearts are being unbroken
Bitter words are being unspoken
The curse undone, the veil is parted
The garden gate will be left unguarded

Could it be everything sad is coming untrue?
Oh, I believe everything sad is coming untrue
In the hands of the One who is making all things new.

So beautiful. He makes ALL things new. Even our broken hearts.

Everything "sad" in us right now will one day become "untrue"...God is more than capable of reversing the damage done to us by people, the hurts of this world, ourselves- He wants to heal us. The question is, will we persevere through the trials and tribulations...will our faith be unmovable, unshakable...will we hold on, even if it takes months, or years? I pray for all of you that you will. And I pray for myself every day. 

Life is painful. But God has not turned His back on me, or you. Believe His word and His promises. 

Quote of the day:
“We want to avoid suffering, death, sin, ashes. But we live in a world crushed and broken and torn, a world God Himself visited to redeem. We receive his poured-out life, and being allowed the high privilege of suffering with Him, may then pour ourselves out for others.” -Elisabeth Elliot 

Song of the day:

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